
What is babywearing?
Babies need to be carried, but it isn't always practical to carry them around in our arms. Babywearing is simply the action of carrying our babies in a soft fabric carrier, close to our body. You may be a parent who simply wants to wear your child in a sling whilst you walk the dog, or go up and down the stairs to your flat, or you may wish to wear your child the majority of the time, both at home and out and about. This is all babywearing, and all allows you to keep your baby close to you as you go about your daily life.

About Me
My name is Samantha, and I am a mum to a long-awaited little boy (born November 2011). I wore him occasionally in a stretchy wrap when he was tiny, but this increased in frequency as I gradually began to see how babywearing had so many advantages. By the time he was 9 months old, I couldn't live without my sling, and my passion for babywearing had been ignited. To put it simply, slings saved my sanity! I finally had a way to get my nap-reluctant son to sleep during the day (and at the age of 2, he still starts his daily nap in a sling). Slings have allowed us to take our son to the Olympics London 2012, to enjoy family weddings, to adventure off the beaten track when hill-walking and on holiday, and to simply enjoy our daily life with our son being part of everything.
My passion for slings, and the benefits for both children and their caregivers, reached a point where I decided I would like to share this with other parents. I attended the School of Babywearing Consultancy course earlier in the year (February 2014) and have more recently completed the Slingababy consultancy training course (August 2014). 

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